Astrology Informed Massage

a whole person approach, using your own astrology to inform your own therapeutic wellbeing session (and beyond)

image: "The November Meteors", chromolithograph from The Trouvelot Astronomical Drawings, 1882.

Astrology informed massage is a foundational approach to work with our own astrological footprint in a therapeutic and emotionally intelligent way

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Astrology and Massage come together

It feels almost magical, but I don’t want to take away from how profound and influential astrology is in the way I apply it in a body-focussed, remedial, therapeutic approach. And whilst astrology transcends a material reality alone, let’s not forget we are all made from the same minerals as everything in the universe - you know that saying, we are all made of stardust? There’s something about our uniqueness contrasted so absolutely with the inexplicable interconnectivity we all share.

Astrology informed massage is about garnering an understanding of what is happening astrologically and exploring the impact and affect that is happening both physiologically and emotionally and anywhere in between, what therapeutically in the treatment room can be done, and what self-care is recommended for you going forward. It is mindblowingly fascinating and life enhancing.

Who is this for?

This is for the curious. Maybe you have an understanding of your own natal chart, or just your big three. Or maybe you just know you were born on 1 December and that makes you a Sagittarius. Regardless of the depth of your knowledge, you are curious to know how to apply this to your life (along with a wonderful dose of therapeutic bodywork added to the mix), and want to integrate this in a truly embodied way. I could say it was for everyone, but you may not believe me (although it really is).

An example

Dolly is having a right old time, feeling stuck, ongoing issues with a sore back and seemingly hitting dead ends at ever turn. They are happy in their career generally, but reassessing some decisions as to whether they were the best ones for them. There is a general sense of it being hard to make sense of stuff generally and they are fed up, although also aware that their reserves feel depleted as they’ve not been sleep so well for quite some time.

Dolly has their sun (vitality) is in Aquarius, a fixed air sign, in the sixth house of daily routines, health and service to others which has had transiting Saturn (structure, restriction) sat slap bang on top for most of the year. Their rising sign (material world) is Virgo, a mutable earth sign, with a meticulous attention to detail and a propensity for (over) analysis and critical thinking with almost everything which is tiring in and of itself. Their Venus (what they value) is sat in Pisces, a mutable water sign, in the seventh house (significant relationships) which has had Neptune (nebulous, mystical) sat on it for aeons, making it hard to grasp a good understanding in this area. Their Moon (emotional reality) in Scorpio , a fixed water sign, in the third house (communications, further learning) feels the intensity of the recent eclipse cycle and is being put through its paces by a Uranus (radical and sudden change) opposition in Taurus in the ninth house (philosophy, legal systems, higher learning). Jupiter (the great benevolent expander) has just popped back into their seventh house and is moving in retrograde motion, revisiting where it was way back in May, thereby expanding the influences of Neptune sat on Venus we mentioned earlier. And Mars (action, will) is in their tenth house (career, public status) for a prolonged period, and has just gone retrograde and won’t be moving forwards for about 4 months. Ant that’s without the grand trines, t-squares, oppositions of the natal chart in the mix.

This is a tiny snapshot of what an astrological chart can show. So what would happen in an astrology informed massage session with this? After giving Susan your date, time and place of birth, a review of the natal chart happens to give a flavour of the influences in Dolly’s horoscope and how they could manifest materially (on the body, particularly aligned to the constellations that correspond with different parts of the body), emotionally and vital expression. Then immediate transits, both those that are happening now, have recently happened and those coming up pretty soon to see how this influences the picture. If Dolly chose to go for the full written report, not just the verbal consultation, it will then be written up as a reference for Dolly, like on their commute to work.

There is much that can be assessed, analysed and discussed for a therapeutic approach. And this is where the consultation and discussion session with Dolly will be invaluable. Why? Because we feel some astrological effects and transits far more acutely than others. And depending on what is felt more acutely or chronically will influence what therapeutic approach will be undertaken. Susan can recommend possibilities based on the natal chart analysis but this has to resonate and feel meaningful to Dolly. So if the aching back (Saturn influenced), foggy thoughts (Neptune in its nebulous glory) and a sense of exhaustion which could be a combination of Saturn conjunct natal sun, overactive mind (Virgo, in all its analytical glory, ascendent) trying to figure things out when it’s all foggy and difficult to pin down what you want (Neptune sat on Venus, Saturn sat on Sun, solar eclipse legacy in Scorpio sat on the moon, Mars turning retrograde in Gemini in the career house leading to a reflective reassessment) can develop a treatment pathway. Essential oils can be used to soothe the jarring bits, bolster the strengthened bits, balance the polarities. The opportunities are endless, as are the sheer choices of approaches that can be taken.

This is beautifully, unique way of looking at yourself, deepening our own understanding and cultivating tools of navigation through the tricky terrain of life. Astrology informed massage isn’t just about a generic horoscope reading of your sun sign (where the sun was when you were born) topped with a massage. A quick internet search throws up ‘massages for each sun sign’ or ‘best essential oils for an Aries’ for example. Garrgh. There is some merit in this basic approach, but it is, well, basic. We are far more than our sun signs, or any one individual planet. It’s the combinations of planetary energies, harmonies and discord that gives an understanding of our whole expression. It’s like a recipe for some sort of wonderful exotic dish - how we blend and mix the ingredients surely gives the outcome of the final food. Smash eggs into it, without fully removing the shell, whisk instead of fold something (I’m not a cook but you get my drift), don’t let it stand before you do some fancy something or other with it - all these approaches ultimately lead to a different outcome. Let’s face it, not all meals are made equally even if the label is the same.

A foundational way to connect to you in your fullness guided by your own natal chart

Astrology informed massage is an astrological analysis (your natal chart and transits happening in the here and now and the immediate future), presented and discussed through an in-depth feedback and consultation with yourself. This in turn will inform a therapeutic approach going forward through the use of bodywork modalities, whether remedial massage, reflexology, some gentle energy work or a sumptuous mix of them all, underpinned by a bespoke blend of aromatherapy that connects to the elemental and therapeutic properties they offer.

Astrology is an ancient form of mystical practice dating back to Mesopotamia in the 3rd millennium BC. Without going into the whys and wherefores of astrology, as I’m no historian and there are far more learned scholars out there. Notwithstanding this, astrology has stood the test of time and provides an insightful understanding of the building blocks of who we are and how we navigate the world. Astrology is not a divinatory tool, but gives us an understanding of the terrain we have before us, the weather forecast and how best to navigate and prepare. Make sense? It will.

Written in your stars, expressed in your body, felt in your soul
— Astrology informed massage

What’s the craic?

If you’re interested in the process or curious how this unique and exciting therapeutic approach all comes together, have a look through a simple breakdown of the steps involved to get a flavour of what to expect.

  • Firstly, (once books reopen) book your session. This must be at least one week ahead of your appointment time to allow for natal chart analysis (and the written report if requested, they are all uniquely written by Susan and not computer generated). You will need to provide your birth details (date, time and place) in the booking sign up form. If this is a gift, please select the gift certificate option, they can then schedule their appointment directly.

  • If written report chosen: You will be sent you natal chart analysis the day before your session, to give you a chance to review and ask questions if you wish

  • You and Susan will spend 60-90 minutes going through your natal chart, transits and agreeing a therapeutic plan

  • You will receive a 90 minute therapeutic bodywork session with a bespoke essential oil blend. This can consist of any mix of therapeutic sessions offered

  • Susan will send you additional self-care resources that may be of benefit. This can include bespoke meditations created by Susan or one from the library catalogue, books, possible activities to explore

  • Follow up appointments are available, reflecting current transits and building on previous knowledge and work

Astrology Informed Massage

a handy overview summary:


  • Natal chart analysis with optional written report (this requires a date, time and place of birth)

  • 60-90 minute consultation based around your natal chart analysis and agreed remedial therapeutic approach

  • 90 minute remedial therapeutic massage / bodywork session


£270 (written report, verbal consultation and bodywork)

£180 (verbal consultation and bodywork)


Susan Lancaster Therapies, 25 Palmerston Place, Edinburgh, EH12 5AP