It’s just massage, isn’t it?
Let me share with you my thoughts on massage. Because I have many yet it is also inherently simple.
Massage is an age old, multifaceted and delicately nuanced art. In contemporary times we have a raft of terms that are used to describe different types of massage, which can and are helpful when trying to discern which approach and which modality would best fit your particular needs at any particular time. So you’ll see I offer a range of different types of massage, yet when you come to book, you have the choice of booking ‘massage’ and a time frame that the massage is carried out.
In this series of digestible blog posts, I’m going to share with you my understanding of the different massage approaches, then bundle them all up together to give a sense and flavour of how I practice.
Let me be really clear though, there is no one size fits all technique or approach beyond an adaptive and responsive practice, so any skilled practitioner will be able to do that for you.
I don’t know about you, but I’m sick and tired of living in a binary, boxed up, closed off way of navigating this world. Maybe it’s more about having expansive and adaptive labelling, because I know if I wanted to get some remedial and releasing work on a restriction in my shoulder and neck, I’d be pretty miffed if I was just stroked and tickled the whole time without the technical knowledge and expertise to afford some relief, so that’s not what I mean.
Ach, it’s been a long week, I’m mindful I’m coming across all grumpy and judgemental. I’m not, not really. So read more of what I’m getting at for the different modalities and techniques that will follow on the various short blogs that I’ll be posting in the upcoming days. I’ll link them to this initial post.
with that, much love